Gracco Gracci
Consultant, actor & writer
Languages : English – French – Italian – Spanish
Based in Paris, France
Communication & Management
Executive Coach
Oral Art
Gracco was born in Caracas. He studied in France, and after his business school (ESCP, European business school), he decided to go to a drama school, and to embark on an artistic career. He became an actor and a writer. He has been working as such in firms for twenty five years now. At the same time he works as a consultant for executives and the Top Management . His areas of expertise are management and leadership, communication and presentation. His latest collaborations with: Auchan, AXA, Banque de France, BIC, Bouygues, EDF, NEXIRA, Pfizer, Pierre Fabre, SAVENCIA, , SNCF, SNCF Consulting.
Author of : Et si j’assurais en public – Prise de parole mode d’emploi (Éditions Eyrolles, octobre 2012)
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